Apple’s iPad Pro crush video is being widely criticised online – here’s why

Apple’s brand new M4 iPad Pro was unveiled at the company’s May 7 Let Loose event this week. The most advertised feature of this product is how thin it is, which Apple demonstrated through a hydraulic press advert. But it seems not all fans like this video, with it drawing a ton of criticism online.

The advert for the new iPad Pro with the M4 chip was shown shortly before its reveal. In the clip, you can see a hydraulic press crushing a bunch of tech products and other creative or artistic items. If you look closely, you’ll even spot the Pixar lamp. The press then reveals the new iPad Pro in place, highlighting just how thin the device is. And it’s incredibly thin. The 11-inch model is 5.3mm thin, and the 13-inch model is even thinner at 5.1mm – it’s the thinnest product Apple has created.

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