Apple Vision Pro settles into its entertainment-viewing niche as Marvel and Disney announce an immersive ‘What If…?’ AR experience

The Apple Vision Pro launched to great fanfare back in February of this year and we immediately saw people sharing the cool ways that they were using their new spatial computer to do all kinds of things. They were playing games, getting work done, and generally having a good time. But there was one key aspect of the Apple Vision Pro and visionOS experience that everyone agreed on — it was great for watching movies and TV shows.

Being able to kick back and relax — as much as you can with a headset strapped to your forehead — and watch content on a huge cinema-like virtual display in the comfort of your home is a killer feature. A killer app, if you like. And the fun that someone can have doing such a thing should not be underestimated. Is it enough to drive sales for a device that costs $3,499 on the low end? Probably not, but as I’ve said before, this headset isn’t the end game, it’s just the beginning.

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