Xbox’s new AI gaming coach is exactly what low-level Overwatch 2 players need

Xbox has announced its own AI coach to help players improve at games, and it looks to be perfect for those new to complex titles like Overwatch.
Getting into a game like Overwatch 2 in 2025 can be a massive struggle. With over 40 heroes, all with unique abilities and interactions, it can feel overwhelming to jump into.
While Overwatch features tutorials and in-game tips to help new players out a bit, they don’t come close to touching all the intricacies of Blizzard’s hero shooter.
Even veterans who have played Overwatch since its launch can struggle with concepts like grouping up, utilizing cover, and counterpicking. So, you can only imagine how much of a struggle it is for newbs who are just learning the game.
Unless they have a coach or experienced player sitting beside them to provide insight, Overwatch isn’t exactly the most beginner-friendly.
However, Xbox’s upcoming Copilot tool has the power to change that. During a presentation, we saw exactly how this AI program would work for Overwatch. Honestly, it has a lot of potential.
Low-level Overwatch 2 players need Xbox’s new AI assistant
The footage revealed showed a few ways that Copilot would be useful for Overwatch 2 players, and the examples are all things we’ve experienced at some point.
It’s worth noting that the video is just a proof of concept, but if the finished product come close to what was shown off, we could be looking at a huge gamechanger.
For instance, the AI can recommend which hero to pick in the event another player had selected them first.
(segment begins at 15:20)
“Echo’s taken, but Cassidy would be a solid pick with this team. His midrange hitscan and Mercy’s damage boost will work great on Ilios Ruins. Plus, you’ve done great with him on this map before,” the AI said.
This indicates that they want the AI to not only look at the heroes selected, but also analyze a player’s match history and stats to determine the best option.
During downtime, players can also ask Copilot about their last death.
In one example, the player was eliminated and asked why they died so fast. The AI then explained that they stayed in the fight too long after their teammates were down and should have retreated.
Another example showed the user being hacked by a Sombra and promptly die, with the AI explaining what abilities were used on them and how they could play around their team better to stay alive.
Sombra’s days of harassing new OW2 players could be over.
For experienced high-ranked veterans, this isn’t groundbreaking by any means. However, concepts like regrouping could be completely foreign to players in the metal ranks or those who are just getting used to OW2.
I would have loved to have something like this when I first started playing, and it could very well make Overwatch not only a better experience for those who use it, but for everyone else, too.
No one wants a teammate who trickles in and feeds constantly and may not even realize they’re doing it! With this feature, those players could get the help they desperately need.
We’ll have to see what the future of Copilot looks like, but it’s something Overwatch 2 players should keep an eye out for, because, like it or not, AI is going to completely change the gaming landscape.
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