The FDA just approved an iPhone-powered blood glucose monitor as Apple Watch sugar-sensing plan continues

There have been ongoing rumors that Apple intends to add support for monitoring blood glucose levels with the release of a future Apple Watch but so far it’s a feature that the company simply hasn’t been able to make happen. Now, it seems that the closest thing that we’re going to get is a third-party device that can offer the same functionality and connect to an iPhone via Bluetooth — and now it’s here without the need for a prescription first.

A future Apple Watch feature?

Following an FDA assertion that any smartwatch that claims to be able to measure blood glucose levels is simply lying, the same outfit has now given the go-ahead for Dexcom’s Stelo Glucose Biosensor System to be offered without the need for a prescription. The product connects to an iPhone via Bluetooth and while the FDA says that it isn’t intended for use by people who have been diagnosed with low blood sugar or have been prescribed insulin, it’s still likely to be of use for those who are non-insulin-dependent diabetics.

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