Skylum Debuts Editing App Made Especially For Portrait Photographers

Skylum has announced Project “Barcelona,” a new desktop application designed specifically for professional portrait retouching built in collaboration with portrait photographer Julia Trotti.

According to the company, the new software that is set to release in September of 2024 is designed to “empower photographers by automating routine face retouching processes through an efficient, AI-optimized workflow that runs locally on the user’s device, making it as easy as applying presets. With the added advantage of precise and adjustable masking tools, it provides enhanced control and accuracy for perfect results every time. This, in turn, will allow portrait photographers to balance the time-intensive task of photo retouching with shooting and growing their photography business.”

The collaboration with portrait photographer Julia Trotti has helped the Skylum team recognize the increased demand for time-saving tools in portrait photography that are useful to both professional and semi-professional creatives.

The goal of Project Barcelona is to help photographers focus on creative growth and client engagement with this specialized software by automating routine face retouching processes through an efficient, AI-optimized workflow. The AI can also run locally on a user’s device and doesn’t require an active internet connection.

A close-up image showing a woman's face split into two halves. The left side is tagged "Before," revealing natural skin, while the right side is tagged "After," showing edited, smoother skin and more vibrant makeup. Thumbnails of various photos are visible below.

A woman's face is shown divided into two halves, displaying a comparison. The left side is natural, while the right side is digitally enhanced. The background is neutral, and the woman has long, wavy hair and is wearing large hoop earrings.

The company says the application will provide additional control through precise and adjustable masking tools, enhancing control and accuracy for “perfect results every time.” This will give portrait photographers a way to balance the time-intensive tasks of photo retouching.

Side-by-side comparison of a woman's face labeled "Before" and "After." The "Before" image shows her skin with acne and blemishes, while the "After" image shows her skin smooth and clear. A row of smaller portraits is displayed at the bottom of the frame.

Close-up of a person's eye and part of their nose, highlighting makeup on the eyelid and surrounding area. The left side is unlabeled, while the right side is labeled "After," showing a smoother skin texture and enhanced makeup. Below the main image, there are smaller preview pictures of different faces.

“In the development of Project “Barcelona” (public name to be announced soon), we’re working closely with acclaimed photographer Julia Trotti to infuse our software with professional insights that meet the specific needs of portrait photographers everywhere,” says Ivan Kutanin, CEO of Skylum. “Just as Luminar Neo provides convenient editing solutions for a broad set of photography challenges, this new app uses cutting-edge AI technology to help portrait photographers achieve top-quality retouching and inspire them with new creative possibilities.”

A split-screen image showcasing a comparison of a woman's face before and after editing. The left side shows her natural complexion with lighter makeup, while the right side shows a more polished look with enhanced skin texture and bold red lipstick. A row of small thumbnails is visible at the bottom.

The new app will launch with several key features, including Skin Toning, which makes quick, subtle changes to targeted skin areas to fix overall hue, blemishes, makeup corrections, and color. Eye Enhancement can add iris flare, eliminate redness, and adjust the overall shape of the eyes, while Teeth Whitening promises a “radiant smile.”

Photographers can also use Makeup Application to apply creative makeup styles and colors to compliment the complexion, clothing, or backdrop. Editors can also use Body Enhancement to tweak body proportions and make subtle posture changes.

Like AI Lens Blur in Adobe Lightroom and Camera Raw, Project Barcelona will have a Bokeh Effects tool to add depth-of-field effects to portraits.

A woman with curly hair is seen in a split-screen image showing before and after effects. The left side of her face shows acne and blemishes, while the right side appears smooth and clear. She is gently touching her face with both hands.

Pricing and Availability

Exact pricing for the new application was unavailable at the time of publication, but the company says that early bird offers for Project Barcelona will start on June 25, 2024, with more information released at that time through the Skylum’s official website.

Image credits: Skylum

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