Pokémon Go map trackers that still work

When Pokémon Go first launched, many ambitious players invested time and resources into setting up interactive maps and trackers to assist players in finding everything in the game, from raids to rare Pokémon spawns. While some of this was great for everyone involved, it also put a lot of strain on Niantic and brought up concerns about cheating. Through a concerted effort on Niantic’s part, changes were made to the back end of the game that make it more difficult for trackers and maps to work. Most of these sites have since gone offline, but a handful still remain.

These few sites have found legitimate ways to provide players with guidance to finding things in-game. And we’re here to walk you through the remaining options. Also, be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you can be fully equipped on your Pokémon journey!

What you’ll need

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