Overwatch 2 is putting AI bots in Quickplay matches but there’s a good reason

Overwatch 2 has added AI bots in Quickplay matches but the devs have done so for a helpful reason.
Overwatch 2’s latest update brought plenty of changes, including a new 6v6 mode and nerfs and buffs to specific heroes. However, one of the biggest shake-ups from these patch notes is that the developers have decided to intentionally add a number of AI-controlled bots to certain Quickplay matches.
Given the game’s longstanding issues with the presence of bots in matches, this move from Blizzard has already become a big talking point amongst the community. Though the aim of the change should benefit new players who are only now jumping into the hero-shooter for the first time.
Blizzard detailed in the patch notes how, “Players new to Overwatch 2 may encounter AI-controlled opponents in the first five opening matches of Quick Play.”
Overwatch 2 Quickplay adds bots to help first-time players
In a developer note explaining the decision, Blizzard expressed their concern that new players are being paired against more experienced opponents who are simply using alternate accounts. This consequently creates a “poor first-time experience” for the newcomers and inhibits their ability to progress.
Furthermore, they explained how implementing more bots in Quickplay will hopefully prevent “players on alternate accounts from playing at a high level on lower skill matches.”
It was also confirmed that a “new system” is being added for Overwatch 2 to “rapidly adjust the initial matchmaking rating of new players to match their skills significantly faster.”
What does this mean for Overwatch 2’s Quickplay mode? For new or less experienced players, expect to drop into matches and notice your enemies potentially acting quite robotic and much easier to defeat. At least for your first five games, just to help you settle in.
For anyone else, it should be business as usual when playing through the multiplayer mayhem. Thankfully, Blizzard has also reduced the number of matches required to unlock all other modes from 10 to 5, so you won’t have to worry about your game being infiltrated by bots for too long.