Google says ads are on the way for AI Overviews in Search

What you need to know

  • Google stated that it would bring ads to its AI Overviews in Search for U.S. users.
  • The company said that ads will only appear if they are relevant to the query and the information discovered by the AI.
  • According to its data, Google states that users in previous tests have found ads in its overviews to be helpful.

Google is preparing to create more “opportunities” for consumers seeking information through Search with ads.

According to a Keyword blog post, Google advised users that it will soon begin testing “Search and Shopping” ads in its AI Overviews. The company explained that ads will surface in these overviews via their own sub-section labeled “Sponsored.” Ads will only appear if they are relevant to what the user is looking for and the information that artificial intelligence managed to gather.

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