Gemini starts spouting nonsense on the web and Android as reports flood in

What you need to know

  • Users have taken to Reddit to report and showcase Gemini’s odd string of gibberish and nonsensical responses to queries.
  • Many of the examples highlight Gemini delivering massive walls of text with repeated words, random characters, and pieces of code.
  • The issues have occurred on the web and Android variants of Gemini, but restating your question seems to get Gemini back into form.

Google’s AI chatbot Gemini has been encountering issues as users begin reporting strange instances of gibberish.

A user on Reddit posted a screenshot of a response from Gemini, which was full of jumbled pieces of code and characters from other languages (via 9to5Google). In the user’s provided photo, Gemini responded with a massive chunk of repeating words that didn’t help the user with their query.

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