Baldur’s Gate 3 player stunned after discovering new camp location after 300 hours
A Baldur’s Gate 3 player was shocked to find a new camp location while beginning their fifth playthrough of the game and sinking over 300 hours into the title.
Baldur’s Gate 3 players often discover aspects to the game they may have missed when traversing through the massive world of the RPG. Sharing these findings on places such as Reddit and laughing about their late discoveries with fellow BG3 fans.
For one Baldur’s Gate 3 player, stumbling across a new camp after already sinking over 300 hours into the game was a discovery they couldn’t help but share.
The Reddit user explained in their post that after multiple playthroughs, they have only now found the Blighted Village camp area that players can use to reset and recharge before journeying on further.
“I just started my 5th playthrough, I’ve got like 330 hours in this game, and for the first time, I guess never I went back to camp while in the Blighted Village basements, and it has its own camp!? It’s different from the general cave you get in other parts of the wilderness and it has such an interesting setup!
“Was just so surprised lol, I feel like Act 1 has so many little amazing details and I just love starting again and discovering more.”
Fellow Baldur’s Gate 3 players were quick to flood the comments section of the post with similar anecdotes, revealing that the location of the Blighted Village camp is one many have struggled to find as well as a few other locations.
“Yeah my first playthrough was 166 hours and I never once camped at the Elfsong. Never once. Feel so sad that I missed out,” shared a Redditor.
Another added, “Funny, I just hit 300 hours and learned this today too. You’ll never stop finding cool sh*t in this game.”
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