YouTuber Danny Duncan bails out Walmart thief and it backfires spectacularly

YouTuber Danny Duncan bailed out random imprisoned strangers for his video, but his attempt to help quickly turned into chaos as one struggled to conform back to normal life.

On February 4, Danny Duncan uploaded a YouTube video titled “Bailing Random Strangers Out Of Jail!” where he used an app to locate recently arrested individuals he could bail out.

Teaming up with friends, including TikToker cduerk, Duncan bailed out a number of people, ranging from someone arrested for not registering their car to another who had a scuffle with their stepdad. Among those bailed out was Hayden, a guy arrested for shoplifting at Walmart.

He openly admitted to past escapades, including stealing a dog, and shoplifting a machete, a hatchet, and a knife from Walmart. After his release, Duncan and his friends treated Hayden to dinner, rode around in a limo to discuss his life, and booked him a hotel room for the night.

But what began as a goodwill gesture quickly backfired. The next day, the YouTuber revealed that Hayden’s behavior at the hotel led to disaster.

Danny Duncan’s bailout backfires

“That kid Hayden apparently stole everything out of the hotel room and then sh*t on the floor,” the content creator said, explaining the aftermath. As a result, Duncan found himself banned from the Hilton hotel where the incident occurred.

Further investigation revealed that the boy had stolen the TV from his room and sold it for $200. Duncan confronted Hayden, who initially claimed he only took a piece of the TV.

“If I can get the TV back tonight, I’ll buy you another one from Walmart,” the YouTuber offered. Hayden, however, replied, “You won’t be able to get it back.”

Towards the end of the video, Duncan brought Hayden back to the hotel, where the shoplifter apologized to the staff for his actions and returned a TV, claiming it was the stolen one.

However, viewers weren’t impressed. “Lock his a** back up,” one comment read. “That boy should not be bailed out.. what he was stealing is wild,” another said. “Yeah you shoulda left that one in there,” a third added.

Despite the chaos, the video ended on a positive note, with Hayden thanking Duncan for his help and parting ways with a friendly handshake.

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