YouTube tests new Premium feature to make finding good videos even easier

YouTube has added a new feature to its Premium-only testing function and its purpose is to help users discover good videos in a far simpler way.

Although YouTube has been a cultural juggernaut for the past two decades, the video sharing and streaming platform is nonetheless looking to improve where it can. These changes come in the form of entirely new ways to create, like YouTube Shorts, or smaller tweaks like more options for playback speed.

In order to test the functionality of some of these new additions, users with Premium subscriptions are invited to check them out early and provide feedback. That’s exactly what’s happened again with the rollout of a new discovery-oriented feature that came into focus on March 26, 2025.

YouTube is adding a new set of recommended videos to your Queue, meaning you no longer have to leave your watchlist in order to find new content.

This experimental feature, only available for Premium users with an Android device until April 7, essentially adds your Recommended feed to another part of the application.

Rather than appearing just on your homepage and in the Recommended bar, suggested videos will now also appear right in your Queue. For example, if you’ve lined up three videos to watch in your next session, you can find a fourth without even having to leave the Queue.

This new YouTube feature could save you a few seconds each time you tune in.

Of course, these videos are still completely optional. They’re not added to your queue by default, instead, users have to manually select which bits of content they want to add to their Queue, along with where in the Queue to place them.

On paper, this can help save at least a few seconds of time, avoiding a quick visit back to the homepage by recommending you new videos right where you’re positioned.

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