Xbox Game Pass Dumps These 9 Games Very Soon

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Good bye
The laws of the universe state that nothing lasts forever, and that includes titles in the Game Pass library. Microsoft has now announced the nine games leaving the Game Pass library at the end of the month, and it includes titles like the Batman game Gotham Knights and the popular Norse survival game Valheim, among others.
As usual, Game Pass subscribers can grab the outgoing games before they’re gone for a 20% discount as part of their membership.
In terms of titles coming to Game Pass later this month, Microsoft has three more games on tap: Wargroove 2 (September 19), Frostpunk 2 (September 2), and Ara: History Untold (September 24).
Microsoft previously axed six games from the Game Pass library earlier in September, bringing the total number of removals for September to 15.
In other Game Pass news, Microsoft just recently released a new Game Pass tier called Game Pass Standard, and it has a more limited selection of titles. The games listed in this gallery are coming to Game Pass Ultimate, not Game Pass Core or Game Pass Standard.
Read on to see all the titles leaving Game Pass soon.
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