Where to find all cave entrances in Satisfactory

If you’re planning on diving into some dark caves in Satisfactory, you’ll need to know where all the cave entrances are.
Caves in this open-world factory builder are underground locations that have hidden resources that can be useful if you hunt for them. Unlike Hard Drives, cave entrances can sometimes be obscured and difficult to spot.
To make it easier for you to find caves, we’ll explain where all their entrances are in Satisfactory, as well as what you can find in these caverns.
All cave entrances in Satisfactory
There are 52 caves in the world of Satisfactory, and each cave can have one to a few openings. Here are all of the cave entrances that we know about in Satisfactory 1.0.
You’ll sometimes find entrances with ease, while other times they’ll be blocked by things like waterfalls, rocks that can be blasted with explosives, and leaves that can be torn apart by a Chainsaw.
You can unlock the Chainsaw on Tier 2’s Obstacle Clearing Milestone, and the explosives are under Sulfur Research in the MAM.
What you’ll find inside caves
- SAM ore nodes
- Quartz nodes
- Uranium nodes
- Power Slugs
- Mycelia

While some of these resources can be found outside of caves, a lot of them are quite prevalent underground. Quartz is more common in caves, and you’ll also find many Uranium nodes in underground tunnels.
Most caves are commonly covered in Mycelia (mushrooms), which can be acquired with a Chainsaw. Mycelia are useful, as they are used to craft things like Inhalers and Biomass to fuel machinery.
Otherwise, Power Slugs are frequently present in caverns, which are required for making Power Shards for Overclocking. You may also find other alien objects such as Mercer Spheres inside caves.
Make sure to watch out for dangerous obstacles throughout your cave exploration journey. You may run into Poison Gas, which can be mitigated with a Gas Mask, or Stingers, nasty spider creatures that you can fight if they attack you.
Now that you’ve become an expert in cave diving in Satisfactory, you should research how to set up a train network and how to unlock vehicles.
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