What Game Should Be ‘Switch 2’s ‘Skyrim Moment’?

Image: Nintendo Life

There were several moments in Nintendo’s pre-launch Switch marketing that left us a little lost for words: the hybrid form factor, our first look at Breath of the Wild, the way that one guy went to “walk his dog” but spent the entire time sat on a bench.

The reveal that Skyrim would be coming to the iddy biddy console was another. By this point, it was a sure sign that this wasn’t just Nintendo’s kid-friendly affair, but a big, grow-up machine for those who wanted to play big, grown-up, six-year-old games. It was also a sign of the Switch’s power, a wagging finger from Nintendo as if to say “You thought this was only going to run side-scrolling Mario levels? Think again”.

With ‘Switch 2’ rumours cropping up with ever-increasing frequency, our thoughts are turning to the potential games Nintendo could use to hit the brief again, particularly as multiple big games on other consoles seem unlikely to ever come to the current Switch.

We have tried to be mostly realistic here. Rumours suggest that the Switch successor might be able to muster the approximate power of a PS4 / Xbox One — the last generation, yes, but a mighty step up from what the Switch can currently achieve — so our picks have generally come from this period.

We’ve also considered the other, grown-up gamer message of Skyrim and made picks that would serve to add a pinch of salt to what could otherwise be a sickly sweet launch line-up (never mind how dark an eventual Twilight Princess HD port may be).

That said, we’ve bent both of these guidelines on a couple of occasions for some proper ‘flying pig’ picks — hey, we can dream!

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