Warner Bros. is working on “at least one” Game of Thrones movie

Hollywood insiders have reported that there’s a Game of Thrones movie in the works from Warner Bros. and it may just be the first.
Game of Thrones is a polarizing TV series, to say the least. It’s simultaneously some of the best and worst content on the small screen depending on what season you’re watching and which person you’re asking.
Even A Song of Ice and Fire author George R. R. Martin has some regrets about the adaptation of his work. Of course, in recent years, some of the sting has been taken out of the series’ let downs thanks to House of the Dragon; a prequel series set over 150 years before its predecessor.
With the Targaryen-centric prequel building steam, it’s clear that viewers aren’t opposed to more time in Westeros. Seems like Warner Bros. got the memo as sources for The Hollywood Reporter (THR) have claimed that “at least one” Game of Thrones movie is being worked on.
The scale of the Game of Thrones universe makes it ripe for film adaptation.
THR disclosed that “multiple sources describe the project as very early stage development”. What this means is that there likely hasn’t been a cast, filmmaker, or even a writer assigned to the project.
The move makes sense given the rise of IP-based franchises in recent years. The floodgates opened by the MCU have seen similar treatments for properties like Star Trek and multiple attempts to do the same with a DC universe. The popularity of Matt Reeves’ The Batman and the ongoing The Penguin spin-off may even represent the first true success on that front.
The universe established by George R. R. Martin with A Song of Ice and Fire and its related literary works is ripe for more adaptation. While those efforts have featured primarily via TV and streaming services, it looks as if Warner Bros. is ready to make the move to film.
Of course, long before that, we’ll get another TV series that finds its roots in Game of Thrones. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is yet another spin-off that will air on HBO Max starting on June 15, 2025.
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