Viewers shocked after edible white elephant Christmas gift goes viral

A white elephant gift has gone completely viral after viewers decided it was one of the ‘funniest’ ideas ever.
TikTok user Jayne Vecchio thought of a unique white elephant gift for her friend during this year’s Christmas gift exchange.
A white elephant gift is usually a humorous and impractical present. Oftentimes, it’s intended to be something that the receiver wants to get rid of but can’t find the heart to.
Fortunately, Jayne’s friend was more than willing to accept her white elephant gift — a rotisserie chicken.
During Jayne’s viral TikTok, which garnered over 10M views and 1M likes, her friend happily complimented her for the bow and wrapping paper she chose.
As she began to notice the rotisserie chicken, she screamed, “Oh my God!” Though shocked, she held the rotisserie chicken up and began modeling with it.
“This made my year,” Jayne captioned her video.
Viewers debate “funny” rotisserie chicken gift
Viewers of the TikToker’s video were just as shocked, if not amazed, by the “funny” white elephant gift. “Whole new meaning to ‘winner winner, chicken dinner,’” one commented.
“Note to self… new white elephant gift unlocked!” added another.
Some viewers were concerned about the edibility of the chicken, though, noting that it might have been left out of the fridge too long to actually eat.
“Okay but how long has it been out of the fridge?” questioned one. “How long was it sitting all wrapped up waiting to be opened?” asked another.
Funny white elephant gifts aren’t the holiday-themed videos to have gone viral this season, either. In another trending TikTok, three employees decided to prank their manager at work.
After he returned from a nine-day vacation, his office was completely wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper — even his mini fridge and its beverages were covered in red and green paper. Though he was infuriated by the prank, the girls decided to pull a second joke on him by installing a 13-foot Christmas dinosaur in his workspace.
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