Update to iOS, Android navigation app adds feature previously removed from Google Maps

A Google Maps rival called Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps, available in the App Store for the iPhone, and the Google Play Store for Android devices, happens to deliver a trip summary following the latest update to the app. The data you receive at the end of your travels includes the total distance traveled, the average speed, and any elevation changes that occurred while on your journey. On the display, you’ll see on the map where you started from and where you ended up. It is available for all Sygic users running the app on iOS or Android.

Google Maps dropped trip summaries in 2022 and we haven’t heard any complaints from Google Maps users who no longer get information about the trip they just completed. You might need to keep a running total of the miles you’ve covered on a specific drive, but when you think about it, why would anyone need to know the average speed that they were driving?

You might not agree, but Google did do the right thing with Waze. Giving a driver access to the location of speed bumps on his route is more important as far as navigation is concerned than the distance covered on a trip and the average speed. That’s not to say that Waze will never add a trip summary to the app, but helping drivers get from point “A” to point “B” safely is the first goal. There is also the possibility that the summary will make a return to Google Maps in the future.

For now, if you must receive a summary after each drive telling you the distance covered, the duration, and the average speed of the last journey, you might want to give the Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps app a try. On the Play Store, the app has a 4.1 average rating after 1.89 million reviews. On iOS, the app has a score of 4.6 after more than 55,000 reviews.

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