Unreal Gold And Unreal Tournament GoTY Installers Arrive On The Internet Archive

Mm-m-m-m-Monster Kill!
Calling all old fogies who forgot to keep a copy of Unreal Tournament on a drive somewhere! You can relive those good old days thank to the Internet Archive, as they are hosting installers for both Unreal Tournament GoTY Edition and Unreal Gold for that single player experience. Relive, as best you can, the shock of seeing a Titan get closer for the first time or watching several Skaarj spot you and split up to take different paths across the map to outflank you.
You will need some work to get Unreal Tournament ready, someone has to set up the server and load the maps and that one player has to slow everything down by slurping those maps down to their local install so they can finally play. You might need to fiddle a bit to get insta-gib set up as well.
Here’s hoping UT2K4 joins them soon, along with the Linux ports of the two ISOs that are available.
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