Underdog Destiny 2 Exotic makes farming Vault of Glass easier than ever

Kurt Perry

Vault of Glass was given a new loot table in Episode Heresy, and it turns out the best weapon to farm those drops is a Destiny 2 Exotic you probably forgot existed.

Those looking to farm the reprised Vault of Glass weapons will want to take their team to The Templar, the raid’s third encounter. As for what you should use to deal as much damage as possible, it turns out Lord of Wolves is remarkable following its buffs in Heresy Act 1.

Here are the buffs the Solar Shotgun was given that have made it so powerful:

  • Increased range, reduced base damage.
  • Removed accuracy penalties from standard fire mode.
  • Release the Wolves now triggers on hip fire instead of special reload
    • Fires full auto.
    • Greatly increased damage and rate of fire.
    • Reduced accuracy and range.
  • New Catalyst
    • Reload Speed and Stability boosts are now built in.
    • When Release the Wolves is active, dealing damage to targets scorches them.
    • When ADS, defeating targets spreads scorch to nearby combatants.

Following its buffs, Lord of Wolves is great for taking down bosses in Episode Heresy.

This underdog weapon now deals massive damage when hip-fired, allowing a coordinated team to down The Templar in less than 10 seconds. This is largely due to its Exotic perk – Release the Wolves – dealing a lot more damage than before the update.

However, you’ll also need the catalyst to fully take advantage of this buff. Lord of Wolves’ catalyst allows it to scorch targets and improves its reload speed, greatly increasing DPS. Without this, the Exotic Shotgun isn’t nearly as effective, so be sure to get that completed before attempting this method.

How to farm The Templar with Lord of Wolves

Farming The Templar is really easy these days, making Vault of Glass’ reprised weapons accessible to anyone. All you need is a team, Lord of Wolves, and to follow these instructions:

  1. Make your way to The Templar encounter in Vault of Glass.
  2. One player needs to equip a Sword with Eager Edge. Use the Rally banner, and then activate Eager Edge to fly forward right before the banner is placed.
  3. The same player needs to then quickly grab the nearby Relic and use their Super to shatter The Templar’s barrier.
  4. While standing in a Well of Radiance, hip-fire Lord of Wolves to rapidly damage The Templar.
  5. Keep firing until the boss is defeated. Feel free to mix in Supers and debuffs to speed up the process.

You can see this method being used by GoofyGoose and his team in the video below, showing just how easy it is.

This method can be used to unlock the crafting patterns for Corrective Measure, Fatebringer, and Vision of Confluence. If you want to acquire the raid’s other weapons, you will need to complete additional encounters.

Regardless, this is a great place to start your grind to acquire the new loot. If you want to get involved, it’s best to do so as soon as possible, as Vault of Glass is currently a featured raid, giving you the perfect chance to farm it.

Equally, there’s no guarantee that Lord of Wolves will remain this powerful for long. It varies on a case-by-case basis, but Bungie has been known to nerf Exotics that are overperforming in the past, so you might miss out entirely if you don’t take advantage now.

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