The Samsung Galaxy S25 may be all Snapdragon again — not all Exynos

What you need to know

  • A new report claims that Samsung will use Qualcomm for all the Galaxy S25’s processors. 
  • Previously, Samsung used a mix of its own Exynos processors and Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips to power Galaxy phones.
  • This would mark the second time that Samsung used Snapdragon processors for its S-series lineup in all regions — the first time was with the Galaxy S23 series last year. 

We’re still waiting for Samsung to unveil its next-generation lineup of foldables, including the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 6. However, leaks surrounding the further-out Galaxy S25 series are already heating up. There are conflicting reports about what kind of processor will power Galaxy S25 phones, but a new one from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Samsung will release another series of flagships featuring Qualcomm processors in all regions. 

Historically, Samsung has used a mix of Qualcomm Snapdragon chips and its own Exynos platforms, with different regions getting different processors. That changed in 2023 when the Galaxy S23 series shipped with Snapdragon chips everywhere. When the current Galaxy S24 lineup was unveiled this year, Samsung returned to using a mix of Snapdragon and Exynos processors. 

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