The Galaxy S25 is boring AF, but a Dbrand skin fixes that

Gadget Weekly

(Image credit: Android Central)

Join Namerah Saud Fatmi as she explores the cool, quirky, and sometimes downright odd world of smartphone accessories, gadgets, and other nerdy toys every week.

Not to exaggerate, but I have seen bars of soap that are more physically attractive than the Samsung Galaxy S25. If you are as unaroused by the mundane design of the S25 series as I am, there’s a little hack to switch things up. Dbrand’s slick skins for the S25 lineup can give your Galaxy S25 a much-needed facelift almost instantly.

I always advocate for protective phone cases, but this is the one time I’ll break my own rule. Not because you shouldn’t use a phone case — you definitely should, especially if your fingers are as slippery as mine. Purely aesthetically speaking, however, a phone’s skin looks far more appealing than a case.

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