Samsung’s latest ad tells you to do your own thing instead of being an iSheep
Samsung’s biggest competitor in the smartphone space is obviously Apple, so it’s no surprise that the Korean company’s latest ad is aimed at poking that particular bear.
The point, however, seems a bit derogatory towards people who use and like Apple products. Apparently they’re all following the dictates of a mysterious character called Simon (is that Steve Jobs reincarnate? We’ll never know). Thus, these iPhone owners are all very iSheep-y. Sure, the ad doesn’t use that term, but the implication is clearly there.
If you try to fit in, you won’t stand out.
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🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 #UpgradeYourUpgrade with #GalaxyAI— Samsung Mobile US (@SamsungMobileUS) November 21, 2024
On the other hand, “Samsung says do your own thing”. So if you buy a Samsung you’re no longer a sheep trying desperately to fit in, but can blaze your own path, blah blah blah. Get it? It’s all so subtle – Samsung is now the one that “thinks different”, referencing an Apple tagline from the 90s. And that in itself is incredibly cringeworthily unoriginal, as everyone on the internet has basically read at least one diatribe chastising Apple for not “thinking different” anymore. Yawn.
Anyway, remember: “if you try to fit in, you won’t stand out”. As if that’s ever a binary choice in real life. As if one person exists, or has ever existed, that only ever wanted to fit in and never to stand out or viceversa.