Rushing off the plane is pointless and unsafe

  • Getting up too soon on a plane is unsafe and can increase the danger.
  • In almost all cases, people should deplane by row.

Flying frequently teaches you that two things can be true at once. In this case, that everyone is desperate to get off the plane as soon as possible, and also that no one ever seems to be ready to go when it’s their turn. 

It’s a little infuriating.  

As soon as the plane touches down, people start shifting in their seats, desperate to be the first one to unbuckle their seatbelt and get their stuff out of the overhead bin. And I get it – to a point. After a long flight, it’s definitely nice to stand up and stretch my legs. But there’s no benefit to rushing. If you’re sitting anywhere behind row one or two, you won’t (and shouldn’t) be off first, and it’s going to be even more frustrating as you stare wistfully at the boarding door while dozens of rows of people ahead of you gather their belongings. 

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