Punk Singer Leads Police On GTA Level Chase After Crime Spree

Sometimes we come across news that makes it seem is if there are real lifeGrand Theft Auto” characters walking among us. Take the lead singer of an LA punk band who made his way to the other wise peaceful region of Yosemite National Park and allegedly spent the day tearing shit up in a very un-punk way.

The LA Times reports that Anthony Mehlhaff — lead singer of a punk band called Cancer Christ — may have turned into a real life Trevor from GTA V on August 21. According to local authorities, Mehlhaff began his Yosemite visit by harassing a pregnant waitress at a restaurant. It only got wilder from there, according to the Times:

The front man for a hardcore Los Angeles punk band named Cancer Christ faces a slate of criminal charges after allegedly going on a “terrorizing trek” through Yosemite National Park and surrounding areas Wednesday, according to local law enforcement.

Anthony Mehlhaff, 40, allegedly assaulted a restaurant employee, led park rangers on a car chase, crashed the car, stole a bicycle and then threatened workers at another lodge with a knife, according to Mariposa County Sheriff Jeremy Briese.

Then, Mehlhaff allegedly stripped to his underwear, attempted to kidnap a store manager, stole that manager’s car and started ramming it into another vehicle on a local road, crashed again and was taken into custody before assaulting deputies during an assessment at a local hospital, Briese wrote in a statement about the incident.

“This man drove all around our county terrorizing our visitors and community members,” Briese said. “I am extremely happy that no one was seriously injured. This man’s behavior was erratic and dangerous.”

Mariposa County Sheriffs arrested Mehlhaff and charged him with everything from vehicle theft and robbery to kidnapping. He’s being held on $100,000 bail. According to the Times, in social media posts Mehlhaff refers to himself as “Saint Anthony” while he and his band seem to think of themselves as a religion and their fans, “congregants.” This description of the band’s music from its own website honestly explains a lot:

“Spreading the gospel through their unique brand of Reptilian Power Violence, Saint Anthony and The Snake People have been sent down from Heaven on a holy mission to make all politicians, pedophiles, and police officers suffer slowly,” the band’s website read.

While that is all well and good, real punk rockers rage against the system. They don’t terrorize innocent people just going about their days. Seems Mehlhaff has a lot to learn.

This story originally appeared on Jalopnik, our sister site, on Monday, August 26.



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