Pokemon players uncover “broken” monsters you can never catch

At this point in time, there are well over 1,000 Pokemon, so you might think that the player base is satiated with the amount of Pocket Monsters to pick from.

Well, apparently not, as one content creator is on a mission to bring some hidden creatures to the eyes of the masses and uncover some Pokemon secrets.

Pokemon content creator Moxie Boosted has put together a YouTube video diving into some of the most obscure critters in the series that fans can never catch. Plus, to make things even more interesting, almost all of these actually have in-game stats, moves, and abilities like real Pokemon.

One of the most famous examples that Moxie covers is from Pokemon Sword & Shield, as people who reached the end of that game may recall a titanic and terrifying form of Eternatus taking over the sky.

While players can never use this ‘Eternamax’ form of the Legendary creature, it is coded as a form in the game, with some insane stats that push the game to its limits.

As explained by the content creator, if Eternamax Eternatus was an actual Pokemon, any investment in its already huge defense would actually break the game and reset the Defense to 0. This means Eternatus would essentially take no damage.

Meanwhile, another uncatchable ‘mon from Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 may have actually inspired a Pokemon seen later in the series. Those DS titles had a feature called PokeStar Studios, where the player could make their own movies with some startling monsters added later on with special effects.

Yet while these Pokemon aren’t meant to be considered real, they once again are actually coded as Pokemon in the game, and the player has to battle them. With strange humanoids, floating UFOs, and more, there are so many strange creatures hidden in this mode.

One in particular looks like it may have inspired Iron Thorns from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, as one of the PokeStar Studios bosses is a machine-based Tyranitar that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Paradox Pokemon fans eventually got.

Finally, one that could hint at the future of the Pokemon games is a separate form of Floette from Pokemon X & Y. While those games never got a third entry like other generations such as Pokemon Emerald or Crystal, the upcoming title Pokemon Legends Z-A could hold some answers.

A screenshot from Pokemon Legends Z-A shows AZ and his Floette

Pokemon X & Y do feature a unique form of Floette in the games, owned by the mysterious Trainer AZ, so many people suspect it will be featured in Pokemon Legends Z-A with the name even being a possible nod.

According to Moxie Boosted, this Floette had a different design and even some “broken” signature moves, so it would be interesting to see it return. Plus, unlike some other entries, there is even a Shiny version of this special Floette programmed into the game, hinting it was meant for release.

While we can’t help you get any of these hidden Pokemon, be sure to check out the Pokemon Legends Z-A release window to keep an eye on any future Pokemon, and then check out events in Scarlet & Violet like Mass Outbreaks to bag some rare Pokemon of your own today.

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