Netflix Squid Game Comes to Call of Duty

Fire up the Squid Game Moshpit including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint with a twist as Operators gain access to three important Squid Game-themed features:
Red Light, Green Light Scorestreak: Is the fight getting too hectic for you? Stop the enemy in their tracks with this Scorestreak that calls “Red Light,” commanding all enemy Operators to stop moving or risk elimination.
Piggy Bank: Eliminated Operators have a chance of dropping a Piggy Bank that awards a small score boost when picked up. For a bigger pay day, watch for the Mega Piggy Bank. Every elimination adds additional score to the Mega Piggy Bank, so once it drops, fight for it to acquire all the deposited score within.
Roulette Handgun: The epitome of high risk, high reward. The Roulette Handgun spawns in the center of the map; grab it to activate a permanent UAV effect while wielding it and land one-shot eliminations against enemies, earning more than double the normal score to help you obtain Scorestreaks more quickly. The catch? Your location will be marked for everyone to see, and every shot has a chance to blow up the weapon, taking you down with it.
Dead Light, Green Light [ZM, Liberty Falls, Citadelle des Morts]
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