MTG Aetherdrift: Most expensive cards

You’ll have to be quick off the mark if you want to get your hands on Magic: The Gathering Aetherdrift’s most expensive cards. We’ve got a list of the 10 most valuable pieces of cardboard from the latest set.

Magic: The Gathering’s first Standard set in its packed 2025 release schedule is the action-packed Atherdrift. This fast-paced race across the planes introduces a suite of thematic new mechanics and Artifact-oriented Commanders.

With the set’s pre-release period in the rear window, players everywhere are finally getting a proper look at it. It also means that they’re starting to get their hands on booster packs and the chase is on.

We’ve compiled a list of the 10 most expensive cards in MTG Aetherdrift. Get familiar with these cards so you know what you’ve got if you pull one.

1. Radiant Lotus (Showcase Fracture Foil)

A card we’ve called Black Lotus on steroids, the Fracture Foil Showcase variant of the new Radiant Lotus card is MTG Aetherdrift’s most valuable card. A combination of obscene rarity, stellar artwork, usefulness on the tabletop, and a connection to one of MTG’s most famous cards have coalesced to drive its price way up.

Radiant Lotus allows you to sacrifice any number of Artifacts and generate three Mana per sacrificed card. If you do manage to pull this foil Showcase version, it’ll be difficult to choose between selling or playing it.

Price: $356.36

2. Chandra, Spark Hunter (Showcase Fracture Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Chandra

Expect to see a lot of the Fracture Foil Showcase cards from Aetherdrift on this list. They are some of the rarest pulls in the set and that always leads to a hefty price tag on the secondary market.

Chandra, Spark Hunter is the hero of the set and Aetherdrift’s story revolves around her quest for the Aetherspark. As a result, this Legendary Planeswalker takes the second spot on our list.

Price: $267.83

3. Loot, The Pathfinder (Showcase Fracture Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Loot Pathfinder

Loot makes his return in MTG Aetherdrift and this poor little guy has been taken captive by the Speed Demons in order to serve as a navigation tool. On the tabletop, Loot, The Pathfinder has a suite of useful Exhaust abilities that make him highly sought-after.

He makes a terrific Temur Commander thanks to his ability to return to the battle and use his Exhaust abilities multiple times. If you can turn down the eyewatering price this variant of Loot can fetch, it would make an excellent flex in your Command Zone.

Price: $253.34

4. Cursecloth Wrappings Showcase (Fracture Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Cursecloth Wrappings

Cursecloth Wrappings is another Artifact to add to the list and Aetherdrift features a tonne of synergies for the card-type. This particular card buffs your Zombies and allows you to summon copies of creatures in your Graveyard thanks to the Embalm keyword.

Of course, we think the price on this one may have more to do with the rarity and artwork than any tabletop prowess.

Price: $156.70

5. Radiant Lotus (First-Place Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Radiant Lotus First Place

Our first card that isn’t a showcase variant but not our first Radiant Lotus. If you weren’t convinced of how good this card is by now, two entries in our list of MTG Aetherdrift’s most expensive cards ought to persuade you.

This version of the card is a new First-Place Foil treatment that bedecks it in gold. Images online don’t do the look justice but in person, they’re quite spectacular.

Price: $153.65

6. Ketramose, the New Dawn (Borderless First-Place Foil)

Narrowly missing fourth place by a few cents is the First-Place Foil variant of Amunkheti God Ketramose. The standard version of the card is a great pull in Aetherdrift’s Limited formats. If you’re keen on playing Orzhov that is.

If you manage to pull this version, however, you might want to put it straight into a toploader.

Price: $153.57

7. The Aetherspark (First-Place Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Aetherspark

The ultimate prize of the Ghirapur Grand Prix doesn’t come as high on the list as you’d think. It’s a minor blow to the flavor of the set but if you’re keen on Aetherdrift’s racing theme, this is a great card to have in your collection.

Bestowing the powers of a Planeswalker onto a card and gaining the potential to stack your Mana pool is handy if you can pull it off. However, the situational nature of the ability may be what has kept it from spiking in value.

Price: $128.46

8. March of the World Ooze Showcase (Fracture Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards World Ooze

Back to the Fracture Foil Showcase variants, March of the World Ooze comes in at number eight on our list. It’s the only Enchantment to crack the top ten but it’s not hard to see why.

If you’re running a deck with Green, this card is a must-have thanks to the considerable buff it offers most creatures. Stacking your board with a bunch of Elephants is also fun.

Price: $125.00

9. Mu Yanling, Wind Rider Showcase (Fracture Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Mu Yanling

In a set as dedicated to Vehicles as MTG Aetherdrift, giving them all Flying is nothing to sneer at. Not only that, but Mu Yanling also allows you to draw a card whenever one of your Flying creatures deals direct damage.

Her Showcase variant features some stellar artwork and combined with her excellent ability, it’s enough to sneak her into the list.

Price: $106.92

10. Brightglass Gearhulk (Borderless First-Place Foil)

MTG Aetherdrift Most Valuable Cards Bright Glass Gearhulk

The final card in our list of MTG Aetherdrift’s 10 most expensive cards is the Borderless First-Place Foil variant of Brightglass Gearhulk. Aetherdriftadds a Construct for each of the 10 two-color combos and Selesnya’s is one of the best.

Stacking your hand with cheap creatures to flood the board plays right into your game plan. The fact that it’s shiny and gold is just gravy.

Those are the most valuable cards in MTG Aetherdrift. For more on the new set, check out our breakdown of the new Draft and Sealed archetypes.

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