Move Over ABS And PBT, Awekeys Produces Full Metal Keycaps

100% Recycled Cupronickel

The keyboard enthusiast community has grown quicker than the fuzz which collects inside your coworkers keyboard and this has led to a multitude of new products to feed their needs.  If you started talking about the merits of various types of keycap material just a few years ago you would get some odd looks, today you’ll start a flame war.  Awekeys have come up with a new contender for enthusiasts to love or hate, full metal keycaps with no plastic in them whatsoever. 

The caps are made of cupronickel, a mix of copper and nickel and sadly not some sort of metal apple, with a thin nanocoating on the top to protect the metal and give the caps an interesting look and feel.  The base kit with 116 keys starts is rather expensive, though you can save a bit if you jump on their Kickstarter.  Awekeys also offers less expensive add-on kits if you want to try out just a few metal keycaps.

There were some issues with the full metal keycaps that arrived at TweakTown, which they mention as well as giving you an idea of what to expect from this Awekeys kit in their review.

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