Mortal Kombat 1 T-1000 DLC Update Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Image: WB Games

After giving us a sneak peek last month, NetherRealm Studios and WB Games have finally added the T-1000 to Mortal Kombat 1’s DLC roster.

Arriving as a part of the ‘Kaos Reigns’ expansion, the T-1000 brings a whole host of T2-inspired moves to the famous fighter, joining the likes of Conan the Barbarian and Ghostface.

It’s not only DLC content that crops up in this update, mind you. The T-1000 is accompanied by support fighter Madam Bo, new skins, bug fixes and visual tweaks — some of which are even specific to the Switch version.

The full patch notes were shared on the official Mortal Kombat support website, and we have gathered all the Switch-relevant points together for you to check out below:

Mortal Kombat 1 March Update (Released 18th Mar 2025)

Nintendo Switch

  • Improved the texture for the left most pillar in The Great Hall
  • Improved online ping when the pause menu is repeatedly opened and closed
  • Improved the textures for Quan Chi’s Union of Light skin
  • Adjusted the hood positioning of Scorpion’s UMK3 skin
  • Resolved an issue that causes Reptile’s hood to turn green when equipped with his UMK3 and MK ’95 skins

General Fixes & Adjustments

  • Move list corrections & Localization fixes
  • AI adjustments & improvements
  • Improvements to Screen Reader functionality
  • Added T1000 Fighter to Roster
  • Added Madam Bo Kameo to Roster
  • Added Outworld Menagerie skins for KItana, Mileena, & Tanya
  • Added Outworld Gala skins for Li Mei, Reiko, & Shang Tsung
  • Added MKX skins for Scorpion & Sub-Zero
  • Fixed several visual issues during brutalities

Character Specific Adjustments

Main Fighters


  • Added new move Desperate Tarkatan
  • Heel Drop can now be held to perform Heel Smite
  • Quick Shave (Back Kick) cancel occurs 2 frames later
  • Butcher (Back Kick, Back Kick, Back Kick) cancel occurs 2 frames later
  • Slaughter House (Back Kick, Back Kick, Back Kick, Back Kick, Back Kick, Back Kick) has 1 less frame of hit advantage
  • Fixed some Kameo Ambush Attacks not being possible during Slaughter House

General Shao

  • Added new move Smoldering Wrath


  • Helping Hand when used more than once in a combo will no longer perform second or third hits

Johnny Cage

  • Ball Buster brutality can be performed closer to the corner
  • Fixed audio issue that could cause crowd cheering to linger during a Fatality or Animality


  • Added new move Soul Exit
  • Summon Ancestor duration is now 10 seconds (was 15 seconds)
  • Ancestor can now be hit by attacks that affect opponent’s Kameos
  • Ancestor is now vulnerable to attacks during the startup and recovery of Teamwork on block or miss
  • Ancestor is now vulnerable to attacks during the startup and recovery of Ancestral Assist on block or miss
  • Fixed animation blending issues with Ancestor when Teamwork or Ancestral Assist is blocked or misses
  • Fixed incorrect visual effect appearing when Ancestral Assist is blocked
  • Ancestor recovers 8 frames faster after Teamwork is blocked or misses
  • Ancestor recovers 7 frames faster after Ancestral Assist is blocked or misses
  • Demon Drop and Enhanced Demon Drop has 5 more frames of block stun with increased pushback on block
  • Silencing Souls (Away + Back Punch, Back Punch) now has a different hit reaction
  • High Kick (Front Kick) now has a different hit reaction
  • Face Breaker (Back Kick) does 50 damage (was 70)
  • Heighten Senses (Back Kick, Back Kick) now has a different hit reaction and increased hitbox when opponent is in a combo


  • (Air) Reverse Fan Toss now only destroys projectiles when Enhanced
  • Fixed (Air) Reverse Fan Toss attack appearing from incorrect side if opponent switches sides with Kitana at specific timing


  • Added new move Krazed Tarkatan


  • Electric Overcharge now detonates automatically 2 seconds faster
  • Fixed issue with Electric Overcharge lingering after a Fatal Blow is performed
  • Fixed issue with Electric Overcharge audio lingering when interrupted


  • Increased health by 50
  • Added new follow-up to Charging Pain, “Pain Reaper”
  • Charging Pain Delay Cancel now recovers 7 frames faster
  • (Air) Reap The Whirlwind has 2 more frames of hit advantage
  • Push Kick (Away + Front Kick) now causes 6 more frames of hit stun


  • Fixed issue causing Smoke to remain invisible longer than intended if opponent blocks Vicious Vapors while invisible


  • Added new moves Polar Palm and Permafrost Palm
  • Fixed animation issue when hitting opponent with two freeze attacks in a combo

Shang Tsung

  • Pulse Check (Front Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick) hitbox increased when done in a combo
  • Spinning Spikes now has no gravity scaling when used up to two times in a combo
  • Double Skull second hit does 10 more damage
  • Triple Skull second & third hit do 10 more damage
  • Enhanced Straight Skull, Enhanced Double Skull, & Enhanced Triple Skull does 10 more damage on all hits
  • (Air) Straight Skull does 20 more damage
  • (Air) Enhanced Straight Skull does 20 more damage on first hit, 10 more damage on second hit
  • Kameo Kopy used on Darrius or Ferra is now considered airborne when visually in the air
  • Opponent is now considered airborne while visually in the air during Back Throw
  • Enhanced Kameo Copy can now only be used 4 times in a combo
  • Fixed Havik’s Enhanced Blood Bath debuff not clearing when morphing back into Shang Tsung


  • Karma (Towards + Back Punch, Front Punch, Front Punch) all hits now cause ground bounce reaction when used on airborne opponent
  • Seeking Guidance level 1 charge now takes 18 seconds to decay (was 12 seconds)
  • Seeking Guidance level 2 charge now takes 24 seconds to decay (was 12 seconds)
  • Enhanced Seeking Guidance now always gives level 2 charge, recovers 6 frames faster, and can 2in1 cancel into basic Attacks
  • Enhanced Seeking Guidance when performed in a combo now has damage scaling


  • Fatal Blow can now be performed while in the air
  • Follow-up hit for Like An Ant now only occurs if Back Kick is held
  • Opponent is considered knocked down 12 frames later during Back Throw
  • Fixed some Kameo Ambush Attacks not being possible during Viltrumite Stance



  • Fixed some Kameo Ambush Attacks not being possible during flight

Noob Saibot

  • Fixed audio issue with Enhanced Shadow Ghostball being delayed

Ghost Face

  • Fixed some Kameo Ambush Attacks not being possible during Psychotic Rush & Psychotic Dive
  • Fixed incorrect animation playing if player holds certain inputs while performing Back Throw


  • Fixed some Kameo Ambush Attacks not being possible during Destroyer’s Drop
  • Fixed visual issue that could cause abrupt movement if Conan is defeated by a juggle combo while Crom’s Curse is active
  • Fixed Kameo Cyrax’s Self-Destruct causing an extra bomb to appear if used to defeat Conan while Crom’s Curse is active
  • Fixed several attacks causing mistimed visual and audio effects during Crom’s Curse resurrection

Kameo Fighters

Frost (Kameo)

  • Ice Wall starts up 19 frames faster
  • Ice Krash follow up to Ice Wall refill delay reduced to 1 second (was 6 seconds) and increased recharge rate
  • Ice Krash follow up to Ice Wall will now always face the Ice Wall

Goro (Kameo)

  • Raise The Roof refills Kameo gauge faster after use
  • Dead Weight refill delay reduced to 1 second (was 4 seconds) and increased recharge rate
  • Fixed issue with Shokan Stomp interrupted in specific situations not applying any damage scaling

Jax (Kameo)

  • When Gotcha Grab hits an opponent’s kameo the refill delay is reduced to 1 second (was 6 seconds from activation)
  • When Gotcha Grab misses it no longer has a refill delay (was 6 seconds from activation)
  • Fixed damage scaling not applying if Quad-Slam is interrupted

Sareena (Kameo)

  • Fixed Old Moon being unable to hit opponent after it is reflected by Conan’s Atlantean Bulwark

Scorpion (Kameo)

  • Fixed lingering visual effects if Aura Of Flame is used to defeat an opponent

Stryker (Kameo)

  • Added new move Rapid Fire

Sub-Zero (Kameo)

  • (During Arctic Armor) Kold Shoulder refill delay reduced to 0.66 seconds (was 1.5 seconds) and increased recharge rate

Shujinko (Kameo)

  • Fixed Ghost Face’s Backstage Pass missing when done in the corner at certain spacing

Mavado (Kameo)

  • Adjusted Mavado Ambush Attack window in several reactions

Tremor (Kameo)

  • Added new moves Crystal Crag, Crystal Vault, and Crystal Heave
  • Ground Pound second hit now starts up 2 frames faster and has 3 more active frames
  • Transmute Down now has the same cancel timing as Transmute Up

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