Microsoft’s latest bit of nagging in Windows 11 might come from a good place, but it’s seriously annoying some people

  • Windows 11 is warning some folks to back up their PC with a banner in the Settings app
  • This is a way of pushing Microsoft’s own Backup app which uses OneDrive
  • Not everyone needs to hear about this, and some users are getting frustrated with the banner repeatedly appearing

If you use Windows 11, you’re doubtless accustomed to Microsoft’s attempts to prod you into using its various services, and there’s been another spot of nudging (or shoving, even) in the OS regarding OneDrive.

Windows Latest picked up on this one, and it works in a roundabout kind of way, meaning that it’s not a flashing banner telling you that ‘You must use OneDrive’ (that’s coming in next month’s update – not really, ahem, though you never quite know with Microsoft).

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