Microsoft Recall Filter Sensitive Information Setting Doesn’t Work Very Well
It’s Just A Few Screenshots Of Your Credit Cards And Social Security Number
The newest version of Microsoft Recall still has some problems respecting your privacy, as tests have shown the privacy feature that is supposed to prevent it from capturing sensitive data isn’t working on most sites. This is very convenient for anyone who gets hold of those screenshots, as they contain a variety of details you definitely do not want a hacker to get their hands on. The Filter sensitive information setting, which is enabled by default should prevent the capture of SSNs and credit card details, but it only seems to work on a handful of sites.
The good news is that the actual e-commerce sites tested did not capture credit card information, but details entered into a text document, a PDF or even on a small website designed to request credit card information were all captured. It looks like Microsoft Recall still needs some serious work at hiding sensitive data in amongst all it’s screenshots. The tests didn’t investigate other types of sensitive data, so do beware when using this new feature!
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