Leica Camera AG presents a professional photo app for iPhone

Leica Camera AG has unveiled the Leica LUX app, a professional camera app designed to bring the iconic Leica Look to iPhone users. With Leica LUX, iPhone photographers can immerse themselves in Leica photography and create unmistakable Leica Looks without needing a physical Leica camera. The app caters to both experienced and entry-level photographers, offering capabilities for spontaneous snapshots and artistic photos.

The ‘Leica Lens Look’

Leica LUX allows users to experiment with well-known Leica lenses virtually. The app’s ‘Aperture-Mode’ lets iPhone photographers capture images with the signature aesthetics of classic Leica lenses, such as the Summilux-M 28 mm f/1.4 ASPH and the Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1.2 ASPH. Leica’s proprietary image processing engine, which leverages machine learning and computer-aided photography, reproduces the distinct look for which these lenses are renowned, including their characteristic bokeh effect. This means an iPhone can emulate photos with the unique aesthetic of legendary Leica M lenses.

The World of Leica Looks

Leica LUX uses Leica colour science to offer a selection of colour gradations and film presets that emulate those of Leica cameras. Options include Leica Classic, Leica Contemporary, and Leica Black-and-White. The Leica Standard Look, powered by proprietary image processing, displays colours and contrasts more naturally than the native iPhone camera app. Leica LUX transforms the iPhone camera into a tool for powerful artistic expression, delivering rich textures and impressive nuances. Each Leica Look has been developed to lend depth and character to captured images.

Features and Updates

Leica LUX features an intuitive automatic mode and offers photographers creative freedom through manual control of parameters such as exposure compensation and shutter speeds. This flexibility allows photographers to reflect their personal preferences in every aspect of photo composition. Leica LUX is suitable for both experienced professionals and enthusiastic amateurs, enabling all photographers to capture professional images while maximising their creative freedom. The app is regularly updated with new Leica lens profiles, Leica Looks, and additional functions.

Pricing and Availability

Leica LUX will be offered under a ‘Freemium’ model. The free version includes access to the Automatic Photo mode, Aperture Mode, and emulation of the Leica Summilux-M 28 mm f/1.4 ASPH and five Leica Looks. Leica LUX Pro, starting at £6.99 per month, offers additional access to manual controls for exposure, focus, and white balance, as well as the complete current range of 11 Leica Looks and five Leica lenses. The app will continue to grow through updates, including access to exclusive Leica content and events.

For more details, visit Leica Camera AG.

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