It’s Mailbox Improvement Week: Arrive AI’s smart, secure mailbox is the solution; what you can do until you can get one

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana – (May 21, 2024) – The third full week of each May is designated by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as Mailbox Improvement Week.

Arrive AI is gearing up to go public this summer and will offer its smart mailboxes through a subscription-based Mailbox-as-a-Service (Maas) as early as this year. 

“We fully intend to offer subscriptions to Arrive mailbox users this year,” said Arrive AI CEO Dan O’Toole. “Until then, we support efforts to keep traditional mailboxes in good shape for USPS delivery. Don’t forget that emergency responders use mailboxes as identifiers, so until you have a box that has lights and alarms like ours, make yours the best it can be.” 

These smart, secure mailboxes can send and receive packages via drone, ground robot, driverless vehicle or traditional mail carrier – all powered by artificial intelligence. 

Spoiler alert: when Arrive AI’s smart mailboxes are available, Arrive AI technicians will repair, service and maintain them!

Until “Arrive Points” can be used in your front yard, business or housing complex, it’s a great time to ensure your traditional means of getting mail is as secure as it can be.

The United States Postal Service is offering these tips on how you can improve your mailbox: 

            •           Replace loose or rusted hinges

            •           Repaint if the box has started to peel

            •           Replace missing or brighten house numbers 

            •           Trim overgrowth that impedes getting to your mailbox

            •           If you often receive large packages, upgrade your mailbox or add a larger one.

Arrive’s cutting-edge subscription-based smart Mailbox-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform is slated to revolutionize mailboxes for homeowners and businesses. The mailbox, capable of accepting traditional mail as well as packages in an app-controlled, secure, climate-assisted device that will be capable of communicating with in-home smart IoT devices as it protects packages from theft or damage. Using the Arrive AI system also helps the environment by using drones and robots. If only 1 percent of the worldwide households had an Arrive Point by 2030, it would reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses by 1.7 billion kg – about the same amount of GHG that 841,717 acres of forest can absorb in a year.  This is achieved by replacing delivery trucks with final-mile drone and robot delivery, using less fuel and making the roads safer. For more information visit

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