Is Marvel Rivals coming to consoles? Datamine hints at “imminent” PlayStation & Xbox release

With Marvel Rivals now live on PC through its very first Closed Alpha test, thousands of prospective players have been left wondering if a console release is following close behind. Here’s what we know about a potential PlayStation and Xbox launch.

After its reveal back in early 2024, Marvel Rivals has now gone live for a select batch of players on PC. With just a limited number of Closed Alpha test codes being sent out, mainly to content creators, fans are getting their first look at the Overwatch-style hero shooter with a Marvel skin.

Currently, however, the Closed Alpha is limited exclusively to PC. Much like many other titles in early access, sticking to PC out of the gate is often the simplest way to allow for frequent updates as the game is still in active development.

But with all that said, many are still hopeful a console release isn’t too far off. But is that actually the case? Here’s what we know about Marvel Rivals and its potential launch across PlayStation and Xbox.

Is Marvel Rivals coming to consoles?

No console launch has been confirmed for Marvel Rivals just yet. Though based on some early developer comments along with recent datamines, it appears fans may not have to wait all too long.

As reported by PureXbox back when Marvel Rivals was first revealed, devs at NetEase Games are “actively exploring potential releases on other platforms.” So those unable to play on PC, it seems a launch on your hardware of choice is certainly in the pipeline.

Doubling down on this plan, datamines from the game’s earliest public build have further reinforced the notion that a console port is just around the corner.

Leaks stemming from a May 11 datamine revealed various lines of code in the Closed Alpha test pertaining to PS5 and Xbox Series X in particular. The game is also reportedly setting up for crossplay support, implying a “console release is imminent,” according to insider Miller Ross.

So for now, fans will have to wait on an official announcement, though it seems you may not have to wait long as devs already look to be gearing up for a push on Xbox and PlayStation hardware at the very least.

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