Infinity Nikki – How To Get Whimstars

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Infinity Nikki has you roaming around various regions of Miraland in search of Miracle Outfits and all sorts of goodies. With a lot of collectibles to find, you might be wondering which ones tend to be very valuable. Here’s our guide on how to get Whimstars in Infinity Nikki.
How to get Whimstars in Infinity Nikki
The Infinity Nikki Whimstars are collectibles found in every region in the game world. The tally can be seen in the top-right corner of the world map, as well as whenever you’re inside dungeons. Once you have enough of these, you can check the Heart of Infinity screen (“I” key) to unlock permanent upgrade nodes, craftable items, and even Ability Outfits.
In any case, our Infinity Nikki Whimstars guide discusses the basics in how you can acquire these rewards as you explore Miraland. We also talk about the different kinds of activities that you can expect on your journey.
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