How to play 2XKO early: Alpha Lab signup details

Liam Ho

Riot’s new fighting game 2XKO is slated to release sometime in 2025, but players in certain countries can sign up for the first-ever online play test now, here’s how.

2XKO is Riot Games’ forthcoming tag-team fighting title that has the FGC more than a little hyped. The developers of wildly popular MOBA League of Legends, and more recently, wildly popular tactical shooter Valorant, are looking to expand into the fighting game scene with champions featured from the MOBA.

Riot has just announced there’ll be an online testing period for 2XKO in August of 2024 titled the Alpha Lab. Available for PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, this will be the first opportunity for players to hop in and try out the title in its earliest state.

Looking to tag into the Alpha Lab tests? We’ve got you covered.

How to get in 2XKO’s Alpha Lab early play test

In order to get into 2XKO’s Alpha Lab play test, you’ll need to register on Riot’s official sign-up page. Here you’ll be asked to register with a valid email and Riot account. From there you’ll be emailed with a survey that must be filled out for you to be eligible for an invite.

You can only choose your preferred platform once you’ve been invited via email, which will be sent through the email address you’ve provided. Once you’ve been invited you’re all ready to download and hop right into the action.

When is 2XKO’s Alpha Lab play test?

The 2XKO Alpha Lab play test will run from Thursday, August 8, 2024 through to Monday, August 19. This gives you about a week and a half to hop in and enjoy battling it out against other early-access players.

It’s worth noting that the 2XKO Alpha Lab play test is only available in the US, Canada, UK, France, Brazil, Japan, and Mexico. If you aren’t currently located in one of those countries you’ll have to sit this one out.

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