How to get Juice WRLD’s Chug Cannon exotic in Fortnite

With Fortnite’s 32.12 update, it’s time to hunt down the latest must-have item: Juice WRLD’s Chug Cannon.

This new addition is a splash of color (or, if you want to be literal, health) and a powerhouse support tool for your squad, so if you’re looking to make an impact on the battlefield – and maybe take in some Juice WRLD vibes while you’re at it -you’ll need to snag this unique weapon.

But, of course, it’s Fortnite, so nothing’s ever as simple as strolling through Pleasant Park. Here’s how to get your hands on the Chug Cannon and become the ultimate healer in the battlefield.

Juice WRLD’s Chug Cannon location

You can get Juice’s Chug Cannon in regular chests and as ground loot. Unlike other bosses’ mythics, this exotic one can be found anywhere on the map.

  • Chests: Your first best bet is to crack open every chest you come across. These containers have a chance to hide the Chug Cannon, so raid every building you find.
  • Ground Loot: The Chug Cannon can also pop up as ground loot, so keep your eyes peeled while wandering the map. Spot something shiny and cyan lying around? It’s most likely this guy.

Remember, you don’t need to head to Juice WRLD’s POI to find Juice’s Chug Cannon. In fact, of all three rare chests in his dedicated map location, I couldn’t snag a single one. I did find my first one when I wandered off to Holly Hedges right after, just lying on the floor inside a house.

How does Juice WRLD’s Chug Cannon work

Juice Wrld's Splash stats

Juice WRLD’s Chug Cannon can heal Health and Shields to those in the Splash area. Here are a few details on how it works:

  • Recharges every 20 seconds
  • Grants Low Gravity
  • Grants 15 Shield or Health

It’s a perfect combo of style and substance, letting you save your friends while looking cool doing it.

While the Chug Cannon doesn’t have a confirmed spawn at WRLD Point – the new Juice WRLD-themed landmark – it’s a fun place to explore if you’re feeling the update’s vibe. Plus, you might get lucky and stumble across the Chug Cannon while you’re jamming out to “Lucid Dreams” on the cliffside.

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