How to generate Buzz in Two Point Museum

Two Point Museum has a buzz mechanic, which is important to focus on to draw more visitors to your exhibits. So, make sure you know the best ways to generate buzz.
As you send your staff on various expeditions in Two Point Museum, you’ll eventually find yourself collecting artifacts. It’s great to have a diverse collection, but you’ll also need to pay attention to quality over quantity.
After all, this business simulation game isn’t just about displaying as many objects as you can—it’s also about using them to attract guests and earn a profit. Hence, knowing how to generate buzz for each exhibit is really important.
Buzz is an in-game mechanic that makes your exhibit appeal to people to draw them in, affecting their mood, donations, and even reviews. To help you build a thriving museum, we’ve compiled the best ways to generate buzz below.
Meet the exhibits’ requirements & use fitting decor
The haunted doll exhibit breaks the fourth wall by staring directly at you and following your move.
No matter how impressive an artifact looks, it’s hard for guests to bat an eye at it if it seems… plain. Generally, exhibits in the game have different requirements to fulfill to generate buzz.
For example, a dinosaur fossil needs to be close to another fossil, or a haunted doll exhibit needs to be placed near a candle. You’ll also have to pay attention to some extra things, like whether or not an exhibit has to be placed at a specific temperature.
The key is to fulfill the requirements and add decorations near the exhibit that go with them to generate buzz. To do this, all you have to do is click on the exhibit and scroll down to find more info about it. The more requirements you tick, the bigger the buzz will be.
Educate your guests

Guests often look for info stands to obtain more knowledge about the exhibits.
Prioritizing your guests’ knowledge is just as important as using the best decorations for your displays. Once you’ve finished setting up the decor, you’ll want to put an info stand next to it.
There are several different ways to do this. The most straightforward one is to use the smallest and cheapest board on the exhibit. However, depending on the museum’s overall layout and pathing, you can also take advantage of the wider info stands that cover more area.
Add perks to your exhibits

The Buzz Boost perk is a must-have.
Adding perks to exhibits is a solid way to generate more buzz once you’ve done all the above. Perks are unlocked by analyzing duplicate exhibits that you found during expeditions.
By placing them in the Analysis room and having a qualified staff analyze them, you will then be able to obtain perks on that exhibit and assign them to the ones you prefer; these include adding more decoration bonuses to even buzz.
The only catch to this method is that analyzing an exhibit means essentially deconstructing it—but unless you’re planning to sell it to get more money, unlocking perks is highly worth it.
Avoid mixing certain exhibits with each other

Margaret Fitzpocket’s spirit keeps to herself.
Depending on the requirements, some exhibits are best placed in a different room than others. One solid example is that, in the Supernatural museum, certain types of spirits do not want to share Poltergeist rooms with others.
Each of them also generally demands different types of furniture, depending on which era they’re from, so ideally, it’s best not to mix them up in the same room if they’re not compatible.
Another example of not mixing exhibits is to, of course, place your flora and frozen exhibits in different rooms—or at least space them out because they require different temperatures.
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