Get ready to fall head over heels with Dexerto’s We LOVE TV & Movies week

It’s the most romantic week of the year, so we’re celebrating what we love most at Dexerto: sitting in a dark room staring at a screen!

Yes, that’s right, it’s once again We LOVE TV & Movies week, that special time of year when we write love letters all about the films and series that we’re head over heels about. 

This year, we’re going bigger than ever. We’re going to be kicking things off with a list of the 50 best movies ever made, but things only get spicier from there. Over the week, we’ve got days dedicated to TV, anime, and our favorite streaming service, Netflix. Finally, we will close out the week (on Valentine’s Day, no less) by waxing lyrical about the first big blockbuster movie of 2025, Captain America: New World Order!

Sounds like a busy week, right? Oh, you don’t know how busy we’ll get, as we’re also working on a few surprises for later in the week. So make sure you bookmark this page to keep up with everything going on.

We LOVE TV & Movies schedule 

Monday (Movie Day) – February 10

  • Best movies of all time: Arguably the most contentious listicle we’ve ever put together (not including our 100 best games list… or the best PC games… or the best horror movie list), our team of movie maniacs has spent the last three weeks arguing about this one. The team might not be talking to each other anymore, but you have to agree it’s one helluva list.  
  • Super Bowl 2025 trailer round-up: The TV & Movie team’s fearless leader, Chris Tilly (that’s what he asked to be called), has dutifully stayed up late to bring you a list of all the most exciting movie announcements from the Super Bowl half-time show. 

Tuesday (Anime Day) – February 11

  • Best anime movies of all time: Dexerto’s anime experts aren’t slacking this week, either. They’ve poured their hearts and souls into bringing you what I can guarantee is the definitive ranking of anime movies (warning: not a guarantee). 
  • Best anime fights: If you’re anything like us, what got you into anime as a kid was the amazing action. Now, our palettes are a bit more refined, and we can appreciate things – like Momo and Okarun’s budding relationship in Dandadan. But as we’re celebrating anime, we thought we’d rank our favorite brutal battles.
Characters from the Super Bowl half-time show

Wednesday (TV Day) – February 12

  • Best TV shows of all time: What’s harder than working out the best movies of all time? (Heart surgery, maybe?) That’s right, working out the best TV shows, but we’ve done that as well! 
  • Why Good American Family is set to be 2025’s most controversial show: Our very own Daisy Phillipson is taking a break from her true crime beat to write about a drama… based on true crime. Oh, never change, Daisy…
  • Best Hallmark shows: Hallmark might not be the network that comes to mind when you think of Dexerto, but we have the stats that prove you secretly love it. So, our own Jasmine Valentine will be ranking the best shows the channel has to offer. 
  • Bonus Episode: Captain America: Brave New World review: We’re taking a break from the small screen so Cameron Frew can bring you a review of the latest Marvel blockbuster… don’t blame us, blame Disney and their review embargoes.

Thursday (Netflix Day) – February 13

  • Best Netflix shows: Looking for a new show to binge with your boo? Then we’ve got you covered. Our list of the best Netflix series is perfect for those struggling with what to watch this Valentine’s. Don’t worry it’s not all romance!
  • Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 3 review: Our own Karate Kid, Chris Tilly, will be bringing you his thoughts on the last installment of Netflix’s kung-fu throwback. 

Friday (Captain America Day or Valentine’s Day if you prefer…) – February 14 

  • Captain America: Brave New World Easter eggs: Our team of Marvel scholars (me) has torn apart the new Captain America movie to bring you what might just be the best Marvel Easter egg guide… since our last one.
  • Every Marvel movie ranked: Where does Captain America: Brave New World rank in the pantheon of Marvel movies? You’ll have to click to find out.

Schedule subject to change

If you’re looking for other hot takes then we have them. We’ve got lists of the best horror movies, the best action movies, and the best sci-fi movies. That’s a lot of movies…

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