Friendly Robot Photographer Isn’t Coming For Your Job

A group of people dressed in formal attire pose for a photo taken by a humanoid robot in a well-lit indoor venue. To the right, an image shows the robot with a screen displaying the group photo taken. The setting suggests a celebratory event, possibly a wedding.

Technology increasingly complicates the photography space and a robot photographer called Eva is yet another variable for human photographers to deal with.

Although Eva is far more benign than artificial intelligence. Essentially a photo booth on wheels, Eva rolls around wedding parties and other events interacting with guests and taking their photos.

A man and woman smile and pose for a photo with a humanoid robot at an indoor event. The man holds a pint glass, and the woman wears a patterned dress. Other attendees are visible in the background, socializing near wooden beams and bright lighting.
James Polley Photography

A robot with a rectangular screen stands in a room with wooden floors and white walls. The screen displays a welcome message and instructions for taking a picture. Chairs are arranged in rows, and a wedding arch is decorated with flowers in the background.

PetaPixel spoke with the company behind Eva, U.K.-based Fotogenie, which says the five-foot five-inches (1.67 meters) tall robot can be customized for specific events

“Eva the Robot is our unique, autonomous photography robot designed to enhance the guest experience at various events, including weddings, corporate functions, parties, and other special occasions,” says Mike Puddiford.

“Combining advanced technology with a sleek design, Eva offers a unique and engaging way to capture memorable moments and interact with guests.”

Wedding planning website Hitched stresses in the above video that Eva “wouldn’t replace your human photographer” and is more a “cool entertainment factor for guests.”

Nevertheless, it would surely be an interesting experience for a wedding photographer if their second shooter was in robot form.

And Eva can print the photos she has taken immediately as well as coming with pre-programmed customizable speech or messages.

“Eva comes with a collection of fun props that guests can use in their photos, adding a whimsical and playful element to the experience,” adds Puddiford who runs the business alongside his family.

A humanoid robot with a screen on its chest displaying the message "Look at the Camera" holds a camera. The robot has a white and blue body with an expressive digital face and stands indoors against a dark background.

A group of people are gathered around and posing with a humanoid robot in a festive setting. The men are dressed in suits while a woman in a striped dress leans into the group. The scene appears lively with a mix of standing tables and chairs in the background.

In 2019, a British couple who hired Eva the robot told Bride magazine that it “was a fantastic addition to our day.”

“Eva went down a treat and really got people involved. It made a nice change from the normal photo booths,” said Gary and Megan who were wed at the Wroxall Abbey Estate in Warwickshire.

“People are less interested in traditional photo booths,” Service Robots, the company that made Eva, told Bride.

“They are looking for something new and memorable that will really make their event stand out. None of the guests at this wedding will ever forget their first encounter with a robot photographer and it will provide the happy couple with a lovely reminder of their special day.”

Service Robots also say that having a photography robot approach guests means that guests don’t need to get out of their chairs or squeeze into tiny photobooths for simple posed shots.

Image credits: Fotogenie.

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