France gave Telegram CEO a green light to leave, and so he did (but he has to come back)

Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has been temporarily allowed to leave France and has apparently taken the opportunity to do exactly that.

He has to come back soon, though, since he faces serious charges in France: they’re related to allegedly enabling organized crime through his messaging platform. According to multiple sources familiar with the case, an investigating judge approved his request to leave for a period of “several weeks”.

Durov, who is one of the most influential figures in the tech world, reportedly departed from Le Bourget airport near Paris, heading to Dubai, where Telegram’s headquarters is located.

Durov himself confirmed that on his personal Telegram account:

The 40-year-old billionaire was detained at Le Bourget airport in August 2024, marking an unprecedented event where a social media company founder was arrested due to content on their platform. Telegram, which boasts over 900 million active users worldwide, is one of the most popular messaging apps globally.

After his arrest, Durov was charged with several violations, including failing to prevent extremist and terrorist content on Telegram, and was released on bail set at €5 million ($5.6 million). He had initially been prohibited from leaving the country.

In the wake of his arrest, Durov, who holds Russian, French, and UAE passports, initially criticized the French authorities for failing to inform Telegram about the alleged illegal activities. Later, he caved in.

Do you think he’ll go back to France as expected?

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