Fortnite players frustrated over “broken as hell” weapon in Chapter 5 Season 4

Fortnite’s new season has just launched, but players are already frustrated playing against this particular weapon added to the game.

It’s not Fortnite without a rotating loot pool every season, introducing new weapons and items to the game while also vaulting some of the previous ones. In keeping with this season’s theme, players can now get their hands on various Marvel weapons.

One of the Marvel weapons that this new season brought to the game is Captain America’s Shield. Well, not even 24 hours after the season launched, players in a Reddit thread are already claiming that this needs to be nerfed immediately.

Titled “Shield Charge? Say less,” one user went as far as uploading a side-by-side image of the Ballistic Shield released in Chapter 5, Season 1 and Captain America’s Shield with a text saying, “Died 2024, born 2024. Welcome back, Ballistic Shield.”

Jonesy holding the Captain America’s Shield in Fortnite.

Following this, players in the comments think Captain America’s Shield is frustrating to play against, mainly because of the amount of damage it deals and how it can be used to block incoming damage. 

One user wrote, “I’m five games into the chapter, and I’ve lost four of them to this thing. One guy was cowering behind it. I could see his head but couldn’t get hits on it. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

Meanwhile, according to another player, “If anything needs to be nerfed this season, it’s the shield.” They added, “Everything else isn’t too bad, but with the shield, you can just spam it and kill your opponent in seconds.”

“Do they playtest to make sure these things aren’t entirely busted on release? Like… if you both have the shield a 1v1 is just ***,” mentioned a different user.

“People complain fast but the truth is the captain shield is f***ing broken as hell, tanks almost any damage and the distance and damage is so stupid,” one chimed in.

One user in the comments suggested that Epic nerfs its range and auto-aim. Fortnite is known to roll out hotfixes and balance changes from time to time, and only time will tell if Captain America’s Shield will get tweaked.

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