Fortnite just got a game-changing XP buff ahead of OG return

Epic Games have rolled out a huge XP buff in Fortnite that gives players more reasons than ever to play the OG mode when it arrives on December 6.

Fortnite offers plenty of ways to earn XP and level up the Battle Pass, whether it’s weekly quests or points for every elimination. But, if you prefer to stick to one of the game’s side modes, rather than the traditional Battle Royale, you might have found it less rewarding due to the lack of challenges.

However, in Chapter 6, the devs have looked to solve this issue by bringing a huge buff to the amount playtime XP players can earn every week.

Fortnite XP buff makes Battle Pass grind a breeze

Going forward, you can accumulate up to 4,000,000 XP per week by simply playing Fortnite Reload, LEGO mode, or, most importantly, Fortnite OG. This is up from the 1.1 million XP it was capped at prior to the update on December 3.

No matter how well you perform, you now get 1,900 XP per minute for the first 35 hours whenever you’re playing any of these three modes. Once you hit that threshold, you then get 550 XP every minute until the weekly reset on Thursdays.

According to trusted leaker iFireMonkey, this buff allows you to grind through 50 levels in a single week just through playtime XP if you’re willing to put the hours in. This works out at half of the seasonal Battle Pass, so you could earn every BP skin in Chapter 6 in just two weeks.

The only slight drawback is that playtime XP is shared between the three modes, so any earned in Fortnite Reload carries over to LEGO mode and OG. This is likely in an effort to stop players from abusing the change and earning insane amounts of XP in a single week.

With Fortnite OG coming back on December 6, this huge buff gives players the freedom to relive their memories on the Chapter 1 map without worrying about falling behind in pursuit of the Baymax or Godzilla skins.

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