Every ACE SPEC card in Pokemon TCG Stellar Miracle

ACE SPEC cards are heavy-hitting Trainer cards that were reintroduced into the Pokemon TCG with the Temporal Forces expansion set.

These cards hold the power to shift the tides of a match and a handful of new ACE SPEC cards are being released with Stellar Miracle on July 19. They’re worth paying attention to, both as a player and as a card collector.

Here, we’ll be diving into every ACE SPEC card in Stellar Miracle, looking at what they are and how you can use them effectively when the expansion set comes out, alongside their potential value.

Please note – Stellar Miracle is not out yet at the time of writing, so information is subject to change. Check back on release day for further information on the best Stellar Miracle ACE SPEC cards.

Deluxe Bomb (096/102)

ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

The majority of ACE SPEC cards are Pokemon Tools, and the Deluxe Bomb is no different. This card caused quite a reaction when it was unveiled to the community although it wasn’t a positive one.

Thanks to translations from PokeBeach, it’s clear to see why some players may already have their reservations about this ACE SPEC card. It’s powerful at a glance, but it’s a card that feels incredibly situational and limited.

For Deluxe Bomb to be used, it must be attached to the Active Pokemon. When the Active Pokemon is damaged by an Attack, including if it’s Knocked Out, the user gets to put 12 Damage Counters on the Attacker and then discard the ACE SPEC card.

12 Damage Counters is a significant chunk of damage and could potentially one-shot at the start of a game, but it’s not enough to take down a fully set-up opponent past this point. It’s a potential one-turn immunity for some decks but it’s not wholly reliable, and it likely won’t be too valuable.

If you like the look of the card, find a way to get this into your hand as quickly as possible whether that’s with a Pokemon Ability or deck-search Supporter. Get your tankiest Basic ‘mon into the Active Spot and use it as a wall for the early stages of the game.

Great Tree (101/102)

Great Tree ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

Great Tree (101/102) ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

Great Tree is one of the most interesting ACE SPEC cards that’s been revealed since their return in Temporal Forces. It’s a somewhat convoluted Stadium that affects both players in the match.

Great Tree allows each player to search their deck one per turn for a Stage 1 that evolves from one of their Basic ‘mons and place the Stage 1 on their Basic to evolve it.

If a Stage 1 Pokemon is placed onto a Basic, the player may search their deck for a Stage 2 that evolves from that Stage 1 and place the Stage 2 onto the Stage 1 to evolve it. Then, that player needs to shuffle their deck.

This card could be a game-changer for decks like the standard Chien-Pao format that rely on evolving a Pokemon as quickly as possible. It’s a solid way to speed up gameplay and it’ll likely see a good amount of play when it comes out.

On top of this, the Great Tree ACE SPEC is one to watch for art collectors who want to fill up their binders with rare and valuable cards. The dreamy card art aesthetic combined with the hot pink ACE SPEC border makes this piece visually striking.

Sparkling Crystal (094/102)

Sparkling Crystal ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

Sparkling Crystal (094/102) ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

Finally, the Sparkling Crystal ACE SPEC should prove to be fun for players who enjoy playing with Tera Pokemon. Stellar Miracle is an exceptionally Tera-focused expansion set thanks to the introduction of Stellar Tera-type cards, so it’s not surprising to see a mechanically minded ACE SPEC here.

When this Pokemon Tool is attached to a Tera Pokemon, the Attacks of that Pokemon are reduced by 1 of any Energy type.

This is clearly aimed at Stellar Pokemon which have Attacks that require multiple kinds of Energy to work. It’s a very simple ACE SPEC, especially when compared to previous cards from sets like Twilight Masquerade, but it’s one that could be used to great effect.

The crosshatch holofoil effect lends itself perfectly to the card art here, making it one of the prettiest ACE SPEC cards from the Scarlet & Violet era of the Pokemon TCG.

Stellar Miracle comes out on July 19 and the introduction of both Stellar cards and new ACE SPEC gems makes this expansion set worth buying into. If you want to add even more ACE SPEC cards to your collection, check out our list of the most valuable ACE SPEC cards.

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