Doors Open Rebrands As Community Interest Company

The Resident Advisor jobs site has been overhauled, with a fresh rebrand plus a transition to a not-for-profit electronic music jobs and opportunities platform.
Doors Open has announced its rebrand and transition to a not-for-profit electronic music jobs and opportunities platform. The website has added increased functionality, added a new resource hub, and furthered activity around its existing initiatives—UNLOCKED and FORWARD IN SOUND.
The company has also registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC), which paves the way for 100% of Doors Open’s profits to be reinvested into creating opportunities and resources to help music industry job seekers. With a mantra of enabling equitable access, profits are also invested into resources, programs, and initiatives designed to support a more diverse and inclusive music industry workforce.
The rebrand includes a relaunched YouTube channel, starting with a mini-series published in collaboration with Mutual Friends. The masterclass series is geared towards improving employability as a content creator, with sessions focused on “Getting Started,” “Landing the job,” “Connections and clients,” and “Delivery.”
The new Doors Open is now live. Find out more on the website or follow on Instagram.