Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Estimated File Size Update

@NicolausCamp I’m not defending it. I’m replying to people’s suggestions of what they want done about it and so far none have been based in reality. Just a lot of “could have, should have” based on things that weren’t put in place with foresight by the company over a decade ago.
In my mind, this is no different than something like SMTV, Persona 5 Royal, The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered, or any other definitive edition of a game that comes out just looking prettier. The market has shown time and time again that people are willing and able to pay for it and accept it, so why wouldn’t a business not do it?
Does it suck. Yes. But like $70 minimum for a new release, DLC, pre order bonuses, micro transactions, season passes, paying for online, cloud versions, collectors editions with a download code, no physical releases in the retail box, limited time content, live services, unnecessary remasters on systems that can already play the games, disc drives being an optional add on….the list goes on, the market spoke, and here we are after years of moaning and it’s still a thing.
And to be honest, this industry and Nintendo has bigger issues than a $60 remaster of a Wii game outsourced to a Polish remastering studio, that people are nowhere near as loud about.