Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris: Featured map & weapon this week

Destiny 2’s pinnacle PVP activity, Trials of Osiris, returns yet again. If you want to know what this week’s featured map and weapon are, we have all that and more in this breakdown of the looter shooter’s most competitive game mode.

The Final Shape brings back Trials for yet another expansion, giving Guardians more opportunities to go head-to-head for glory. There are also two new reprised weapons up for grabs: Exalted Truth and Keen Thistle – both being farmable throughout Episode Heresy.

In addition to the weekly rotating map and weapon, Trials of Osiris also got a large rework in Heresy Act 1. This has completely changed how the mode works, and here’s everything you need to know about this week’s offerings to make sure you aren’t left behind.

For the week of March 21, 2025, the featured map for Trials is Radiant Cliffs.

The featured Trials of Osiris weapon this week is Yesterday’s Question (Adept), a Hand Cannon available between March 21 – March 25.

Vendor rewards

These are the rewards you can earn by ranking up the activity’s dedicated vendor found in The Tower, Saint-14:

  • Rank 4 – Upgrade Module (x2)
  • Rank 7 – Enhancement Prism (x3)
  • Rank 10 – Trials weapon (changes depending on number of rank resets)
  • Rank 13 – Upgrade Module (x2)
  • Rank 16 – Trials weapon (changes depending on number of rank resets)
  • Reset Rank – Ascendant Shard

Rather than the 3, 5, 7, and Flawless win thresholds previously required for rewards, players no longer earn specific weapon drops. Instead, you’ll earn Trials Engrams for leveling up your reputation with Saint-14 in the Tower’s Hangar.

Once a weapon has been received at least once, you can focus it for the cost of a Trials Engram – meaning farming rolls has never been easier. Also, you can get Adept gear and armor with higher stat rolls by going Flawless.

Passages explained

Episode Heresy has seen Passages given a rework that looks to make them simpler but more effective than before. While Trials of Osiris used to have five different passages to choose from, this has now been reduced to just two.

Here are the two passages you can choose between:

  • The Lighthouse Passage: Reach seven wins to be granted access to the Lighthouse. Unlike before, losses do not disqualify you from reaching the Lighthouse, although rewards will be greater based on win streak.
  • The Trials of Osiris Passage: Matches players based on similar performance and does not allow access to the Lighthouse, regardless of performance. This Passage is intended to be a low-stakes alternative designed to ease players into the Trials ecosystem.

The Trials of Osiris Passage is the much more casual of the two, designed to allow regular players to queue into Trials of Osiris and still earn rewards.

In contrast, The Lighthouse Passage more closely mimics the old system prior to the rework, rewarding high-skill players for going on win streaks and reaching the Lighthouse – earning Adept weapons for doing so.

Weekly reset time

Trials of Osiris resets weekly at 9AM PT/ 12PM EST / 5PM GMT on a Friday, and will run until the following weekly reset on March 25, returning once again on March 28, 2025, with a new map and featured weapon.

Before diving into the competition, you’ll need to make a stop at The Tower’s hangar and talk to Saint-14, the vendor who oversees Trials. He’ll be your main source of rewards and the person who provides each of your Trials Passages.

To figure out what weapons you should be using in Trials of Osiris, check out our guides on the best PvP weapons and the Best Exotic Weapons in the meta.

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