Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine loot table: Dungeon weapons, armor & perks

Destiny 2 Episode Heresy’s Dungeon, Sundered Doctrine, sees Guardians venture back to Savathun’s Throne World and infiltrate Rhulk’s Pyramid Ship with the promise of exclusive spoils, including a Hand Cannon that’s the first of its kind.
Released on February 7, 2025, Sundered Doctrine, like Vesper’s Host and Warlord’s Ruin before it, comes stuffed with several Legendary weapons, new armor sets, and a headline Exotic weapon.
With Heresy having already introduced several new weapons immediately considered meta, whether any of the latest gear added in Sundered Doctrine will join those ranks remains to be seen, but we’ve consolidated all of the rewards and their possible rolls to help you decide what to be on the lookout for.
Sundered Doctrine loot table
Sundered Doctrine Exotic – Finality’s Augur
- Archetype: Solar Fusion Rifle
- Exotic Perks: Ruinscribe’s Forge, Ruinscribe’s Beacon
- Catalyst: Bait and Switch
Finality’s Auger has a chance of dropping from the final encounter of Sundered Doctrine, with players able to boost its drop rate by completing challenges.
As Exotics go, Finality’s Auger is undoubtedly one of the most unique to date. The Heavy slot Linear Fusion has two firing modes, one that fires standard rounds and a second that consumes three ammo to produce an Runescribe Turret.
Once deployed, the turret will automatically target nearby enemies with Solar-element projectiles that explode in an area on impact. See our detailed breakdown for more information on how Finality’s Auger works.
Legendary weapons and perks
Four new weapons are obtainable exclusively from Sundered Doctrine. Traditionally, Dungeon weapons have been some of the strongest and most experimental introduced to the sandbox and the trend continues here.
Unloved is the first of its kind as a Strand-element Heavy Burst Hand Cannon, boasting a unique perk pool viable for PvE and PvP. This is the first time the archetype has received a Strand representative.
Likewise, Unworthy, while not especially unique with regards to archetype, can roll some incredible combos, including Firefly + Voltshot and Outlaw + Kill Clip.
See the table below for all possible perks for all four weapons.
Dungeon armor
As standard, three sets of armor – one each for Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks, drops from Sundered Doctrine. The aesthetic this time around is akin to Lightfall’s Root of Nightmares Raid. As with all Dungeons, completing Sundered Doctrine on Master difficulty has a chance of dropping Artifice armor.

Origin Trait – Subjugation
Sundered Doctrine introduces a new Origin Trait, Subjugation, exclusive to weapons found in the Dungeon, granting the following effects:
Subjugation: Weapon adapts to targets. When dealing damage:
- To weak targets: shots explode
- To strong targets: targets become exhausted
- To Guardians: the weapon’s flinch resistance increases
- Exhausted targets deal reduced outgoing damage

Is Sundered Doctrine farmable?
As Destiny 2’s newest Dungeon, Sundered Doctrine is currently not farmable but will be added to the featured Raid & Dungeon rotation in the future. For now, though, loot can only be obtained from each encounter once per character, per week.
For more Destiny 2 content, check out the full list of weapons added in Episode Heresy and every Artifact perk to help for all your build crafting needs.
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