Deadlock Infernus build: Best items, abilities & more

Deadlock isn’t exactly an easy game to learn. However, if you’ve just gotten access to the Alpha and are looking for a character to start with, Infernus is a great choice.

Valve’s latest multiplayer game has almost immediately become a smash hit, and it’s come a long way since it was reportedly just a Half-Life spin-off game.

From last-hitting minions to trading in lane, even the simplest concepts in Deadlock take some time to learn. There are a lot of mechanics, and it can feel a bit overwhelming at first. Fortunately, Infernus is one of the easiest characters to play, and that ease of use doesn’t make him weak.

However, if you’re a bit more of an experienced player looking for some extra tips, there’s a ton of stuff that’ll be useful here as well in terms of counter-building and putting together the best items to close out games.

Here’s the best build for Infernus in Deadlock, as well as what order you should build items in and how you should level his abilities.

Best abilities to use on Infernus

If you’re not familiar with Infernus’ abilities, here’s a rundown:

  • 1: Catalyst
    • Spew napalm that slows enemy movement and amplifies damage Infernus does to them.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: Infernus gains 20% Lifesteal against victims
      • Level 3: +10% damage amp and -40% heal/regen
  • 2: Flame Dash
    • Move forward at high speed and leave a flame trail that burns enemies.
      • Level 1: +30% fire rate slow for 7 seconds
      • Level 2: +45 DPS
      • Level 3: -20 second cooldown
  • 3: Afterburn
    • Your bullets build up to apply a burning effect on enemies. Infernus’ bullets and abilities refresh the duration.
      • Level 1: Victims deal -30% spirit damage.
      • Level 2: +1 second burn duration
      • Level 3: +30 DPS
  • 4: Concussive Combustion
    • Turns you into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in its radius.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 second stun duration and +4 meter radius
      • Level 3: +115 damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit

Here’s both the starting and max orders for his abilities. There’s some leeway here like, for instance, if you wanted to get an extra point in Concussive Combustion to get a lower cooldown, but this is a great path to follow if you’re just getting started.

  • Ability Starting path: 3>1>2
    • Note: Against heroes with gap close like Abrams or Bebop, you may want to grab 2 second or even first. If you feel like you’re in danger of dying, this is fine.
  • Ability Max path: 3>2>4>1
    • There is some deviation here. If you’d like to get an extra point in your 1 for bonus charge or an extra point in your ult for the cooldown, that’s fine. However, following this max path will get you the most success.

The biggest mistake new Infernus players make is underestimating the damage and utility on Flame Dash. Late game, this ability will do upwards of 100 damage per tick. If you run through a lane with this ability on during a teamfight and you’ve got enough lifesteal, you’re going to be very hard to kill.

It’s worth noting that, in maxing Afterburn, you’ll want to keep shooting at the same target until they go down. Keeping that DoT refreshed is essential, and your abilities will take care of the AoE damage for you. As long as you’re focusing down enemies one at a time with your primary fire, you’ll be fine.

Best build on Infernus: Deadlock items explained

For the sake of clarity, items will be divided into four sections: Early game, mid game, late game, and situational items.

The first three sections are pretty straightforward, though you shouldn’t be afraid to cross lines and perhaps buy a late game item early on if you’re fed or if you’re out of flex slots and need other options.

Bear in mind that there’s no objectively correct build for any character in Deadlock. Every game is different, and the needs of both you and your team change depending on several factors. You’ll have to learn what each item does and when to build it eventually to do well in high-level matches. However, this guide will get you on the right track and give you room to learn.

Here’s the rundown of what you should be buying at each point in the game:

Early Game items


If you’re struggling and still learning, pick up Monster Rounds early on to help learn how laning works and get a lane advantage. Otherwise, rush Rapid Rounds and Infuser. Get Healing Rite if needed. Also, if you do opt to grab Infuser, make sure you use it with your 2 and run through a wave. That extra lifesteal could save you.

Aside from that, Sprint Boots are great for rotating early, Ammo Scavenger will help you snowball lanes, and Basic Magazine is a nice-to-have you can upgrade later.

Mid Game items


Left to right order matters here. Soul Shredder and Spirit Lifesteal will give you a ton of sustain, and Duration Extender is an absolute must as well to get the most out of your 3. Infernus is at his best when he’s got some bulk to him, so getting Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor early on is ideal. Upgrade these items if you find you’re dying too quickly.

As far as the bottom 4 items go, you’ll see these in the late game category as well, but those are the 4 most important items to grab if you’re fed to help build a lead.

Leech counters anti-heal items by giving you even more bullet and spirit lifesteal while reducing the effectiveness of anti-heal, Ricochet makes Infernus’ primary fire apply his 3 to everything, and Escalating Exposure drastically increases your damage in extended fights.

Unstoppable is here merely because Infernus has to be able to get into fights to carry. This’ll keep hard CC characters like Mo & Krill or Wraith from shutting you down, and it’ll counter active items meant to shut you down.

Late Game/Luxury


Spiritual Overflow is the perfect Infernus item considering it gives him bonus spirit and bullet damage. As a hybrid character, it’s incredible for him. Inhibitor, meanwhile, is great for trading since it weakens your opponent. Colossus and Diviner’s Kevlar are strong options if you’re looking to stay alive longer in fights, and Boundless Spirit is a great all-around damage increase.

If you get this far into the game, you either have a ton of money or the game’s been going on forever. And, while it can be appealing to buy these items, keep the below section in mind if you’re having trouble. Many of Deadlock’s most difficult problems are solved by buying the right item.

Situational items


Since these items are situational, we’ll be breaking them down 1 by 1:

  • Extra Stamina: Infernus doesn’t need stamina as much as other characters due to how low a cooldown his 2 has later on, but it can still be handy in certain matchups.
  • Enduring Speed: You’ll want to upgrade to these from your normal boots no matter what, but buy them sooner rather than later if you’re rotating a lot.
  • Divine Barrier: If you’re extremely behind, this is your lifeline. The active will save your life against heavy burst. Buy this and focus on damage items if you get shut down early so you can have impact.
  • Toxic Bullets: Buy against healing. This item synergizes best with Infernus due to the bleed, but Healbane and Decay are also options.
  • Warp Stone: This is great for blinking in with a charged ult. Use against mobile characters to catch them off guard.
  • Slowing Hex: Airborne enemies give Infernus a hard time. Use this to ground them by disabling all their movement. Useful against Vindicta, Lash, Pocket, Shiv, and other mobile menaces.
  • Mystic Slow: Great if you need to keep your team from getting dived, using this with your 2’s flame trail is a great counter-engage tool.
  • Ethereal Shift: If you’re getting heavily focused, this is the item for you. Ethereal Shift will buy you some time to try and make a difference in fights.
  • Curse: This is a huge investment, but sometimes necessary. If the enemy team has one fed hypercarry, this’ll shut them down. Especially useful if you’re struggling against someone like Seven who has a lethal channel ability.

That’s how you should build and play Infernus in Deadlock! If you want to see how he stacks up to the rest of the cast, check out our tier list.

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